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Join our 1,500+ happy Patients and start experiencing to your good happy health by our Dr K P Vishwakarma, founder of Shreeja Homeo Clinic in simple, most reliable and harmless way.
Note:- Please book your service in English language only.
“Similia Similibus Curentur” =
‘Let like to be treated by like’
‘Single Medicine Minimum Dose’
“Shreeja Homeo Clinic” is a modern computerized Homeopathic clinic that is providing services in various medical disciplines. It has situated at Eidgah Road North, Sadarganj West, Mariyahun Market, Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, 222161. You may feel my clinic near you / me, because here online consultation and ‘Medicine’s Home Delivery’ service is available as your require.
The clinic is at the forefront of medical treatment. Expertise and provide a complete range of the latest medicinal treatment facilities for the care of its patients. The clinic brings most talented medical professionals and has a dedicated to provide highest standards of patient care.
Mother and Child care, Mental health, Neurological care, Cancer (all type Cancer in any stage /condition(s)), Liver / Kidney Failure & disease, Cardiac problems, Arthritis, Brain /Spinal Injury, Spondylitis, Obesity /Under-weight, Hair problems & Sexual problems (for both Male & Female’s all sexual problems).
Dr. K. P. Vishwakarma (Dr. Keshav Prasad Vishwakarma) is Owner of ‘Shreeja Homeo Clinic’. He is a Consultant Homeopath and providing to Classical & Sehgalian (Constitutional) treatment for all his patient. He is expert and all rounder in his Homeopathic health care treatment field. He has been B.H.M.S. (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery) degree holder.
1 – Widow woman’s Case-taking (first fess) fees will be taken certainly half.
3 – Protector of our motherland’s India’s any employed will be taken half.
2 – The 60 years old people or more than 60 years old people’s Case-taking (first fess) fees will be taken certainly half.
Widow, aged, soldier or family member of soldier to take advantage of their reservation, do bring compulsory your identity card.
Join our 1,500+ happy Patients and start experiencing to your good happy health by our Dr K P Vishwakarma, founder of Shreeja Homeo Clinic in simple, most reliable and harmless way.
Clinic Time:
Morning: 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM
Evening: 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
Sunday by appointment.
Eidgah Road North, Sadarganj West, Mariahu Market, Jaunpur, U.P. INDIA. 222161
Phone: +91 9891 531 013
Copyright © Shreeja Hoemo Clinic. Created by – Dhiraj Sharma.